Bicho-Pau-espinhoso-gigant e (Extatosoma tiaratum) endêmico da Austrália, o que significa que ele é apenas encontrado lá. São mestres da camuflagem, conseguem passar muito tempo parados para serem confundidos com a paisagem; as fêmeas medem cerca de 20cm e as asas são muito pequenas para voar, enquanto os machos medem apenas 11cm, possuem asas fortes e voam sempre que perturbados. Eles tomam uma postura de defesa quando ameaçados, erguendo as pernas e soltando um cheiro de alerta, que para nós humanos mais lembra pasta de amendoim.
Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum) endemic to Australia, meaning that it is only found there. They are masters of camouflage, they can spend long time stopped to be confused with the landscape; females measure about 8 inches and the wings are too small to fly, while the males measure just 5 inches, have strong wings and fly when disturbed. They take a posture of defense when threatened, raising their legs and exhaling a warning smell, which for us humans most resembles peanut butter.
Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum) endemic to Australia, meaning that it is only found there. They are masters of camouflage, they can spend long time stopped to be confused with the landscape; females measure about 8 inches and the wings are too small to fly, while the males measure just 5 inches, have strong wings and fly when disturbed. They take a posture of defense when threatened, raising their legs and exhaling a warning smell, which for us humans most resembles peanut butter.
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