Perereca Transparente" (Hyperolius leucotaenius) "grávida", encontrada na República Democrática do Congo. Devido ao aspecto transparente da pele, é possível ver os ovos que ela carrega. É uma espécie ameaçada de extinção por perda de habitat para a agricultura, pecuária e assentamentos humanos.
"See-Through Frog" (Hyperolius leucotaenius), found in Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to its see-through skin, it's possible to see the eggs she is carring. It is an endangered species thanks to habitat loss for agriculture, livestock and human settlements.
"See-Through Frog" (Hyperolius leucotaenius), found in Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to its see-through skin, it's possible to see the eggs she is carring. It is an endangered species thanks to habitat loss for agriculture, livestock and human settlements.
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